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Tamakoshi-Kathmandu Transmission Line affected communities call on the Asian Development Bank to realign the power line and relocate its sub-station

Tamakoshi-Kathmandu Transmission Line affected communities call on the Asian Development Bank to realign the power line and relocate its sub-station

ndigenous Tamang and other locals of Shankharapur municipality in the northeast of Kathmandu affected by the Tamakoshi-Kathmandu 200/400 kV Transmission Line and its Bojheni substation today submitted a memorandum to the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Nepal Resident Mission.

Oil and Gas Leases in the Arctic Refuge Are Suspended. Here’s What Needs to Happen Next.

Oil and Gas Leases in the Arctic Refuge Are Suspended. Here’s What Needs to Happen Next.

On June 1, the Biden administration suspended oil and gas leases for the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. This is an important step toward protecting one of the planet’s last intact wild landscapes from the Trump administration’s unlawful effort to wring private profits out of our nation’s public lands.

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